Chicago Sexual Abuse Attorneys
Ready to Hold Perpetrators Accountable for Their Harmful Actions
Adult and child sexual abuse and rape causes psychological trauma that impacts a person for the rest of their life, resulting depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress (PTSD) long after the abuse occurred. Unfortunately, the United States suffers from a sexual abuse crisis, often arising out of institutions of trust such as schools, daycare, youth camps, and even places of worship. Although the criminal justice system can punish sex abusers for their crimes, the civil court allows survivors of such abuse recover financial compensation for the physical and emotional harm they suffered.
If you are a survivor of sexual abuse or rape, look no further than our Chicago legal team at Workplace Law Partners P.C. to protect your rights and best interests. We can investigate your case, gather and examine evidence, determine your available legal options, and maximize your entitled compensation. Do not hesitate to let us fight for you!
In Illinois, we have a very powerful law called the Gender Violence Act. It allows victims of a gender related violence (such as a battery committed in part on the basis of the sex of the victim) to bring a civil claim for damages. This is allowed even if the criminal charges are not pursued. It allows victims to recover money against the person who committed the act and also someone who encouraged or assisted them.
Contact us today at (312) 818-2407 for a free case evaluation.
Helping Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse generally involves the use of force, coercion, and manipulation of a child by an adult or adolescent for sexual purposes. Common offenses include rape, sexual assault, lewd and lascivious acts, indecent exposure, and proliferating child pornography.
Childhood sexual abuse is painful and traumatizing, which is why survivors suffer from long-term and life-altering physical, mental, and emotional harm. The resulting disabilities and illnesses require extensive treatment and therapy. The most common symptoms of survivors include anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, intimacy and relationship issues, and PTSD.
According to an article in Psychology Today, a quarter of girls and one in six boys in the U.S. will be sexually assaulted before they reach 18 years old. Furthermore, less than ten percent will tell anyone about the incident, and about six to eight percent will report it.
In the past, many sexual abuse cases involving entities such as religious groups and youth organizations initially could not be filed because of the statute of limitations, since child survivors have become adults. Fortunately, lawmakers in many states realized the injustice of this issue and granted look-back periods.

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