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$900,000 WorkWell Biometric Fingerprint Class Action Settlement


A settlement has been reached in a class-action lawsuit about individuals that used Workwell brand, known as uAttend and/or Citadel, finger or facial scanners for employee timekeeping purposes. The lawsuit alleges that Workwell and the employers that used their scanners violated an Illinois law called the Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) by collecting
employees’ fingerprints or facial scans on time clocks in Illinois without complying with the law's requirements. Workwell and certain employers covered in this Settlement (the“Participating Employers”) deny any wrongdoing and maintain that they have not violated any laws. You can find out if your employer is part of the settlement below. The settlement does not establish who is correct, but rather is a compromise to end the lawsuit and avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with ongoing litigation.

For More information, click here for the Preliminary Approval Order.

For additional media coverage click here
